

XY-6B岩心钻机是地质、水文、冶金、煤田、石油和天然气等资源领域勘探开发的深孔钻探设备。 该钻机集中了立轴式液压钻机优点,可以进行金刚石小口径钻进,也可以进行大口径钻进,可垂直钻孔, 也可以钻斜孔,是深孔地质勘探钻孔的理想设备。
XY-6B is deep-hole drill machinery in exploration and development of geology,hydrology,metallurgy.mine, oil.gas etc. The advantage of vertical-style hydraulic drill machinery is suited for drill of small or big diameter with diamond bit for vertical-hole orincline-hole.Lt.s perfect expluratory machinery for deep-hole drill.

1、 立轴转速高,调速范围广。
2、 升降机配有水刹车,下降钻具平稳安全。
3、 油浸湿式离合器,启动平稳,附有制动装置。
4、 液压操作系统预留专用阀口,可供配备拧管机时使用。
5、 钻机前后移车距离大,方便孔口作业°
6、 立轴通孔直径大,可满足多种钻探工艺要求。
7、 整机重量适中,解体性能好,便于运输撤迁。
1.Speed of vertical axis is high and wide tuning range.
2.Lifter with water brake is placidly and safely.
3.Oil-clutch with brake starts slabely.
4. Hydraulic control system have special valve for pipe-wrenching machine.
5. Drill rig have a long cycle for hole-work easily.
6. vertical-axis path have big diameter for different drill orders.
7. Proper weight is easy to disassemble and transport.

主要参数 Specifications

钻井深度/Drillig deep 1500-2000
机下钻杆直径/Rod diameter f50 f60
立轴通径/Path f96
立轴转速/Speed 正转Forward :
反转Reverse : 60,170
给进油缸上顶力/Input cylinder rising 200
给进油缸给顶力/Input cylinder pressure 150
给进油缸形程/Input cylinder cycle 600
给进油缸缸径/Input cylinder diameter f125
卷扬单绳最大提升力.'Max.liHmg windi capacity I single rope) 60
卷扬提升速度/Max.winch speed (single rope ) 0.66,1.44,1.85,2.13,2.96,4
卷筒直径/Roll diameter 300
钢丝绳直径Steel ropediameter 20
容绳量/Rope longth 140
移车油缸行程/Moving cylinder cycle 550
移动电动 WMotor 250M-4电动车 55kW
动力柴油WDiesel engine 4135AG 柴油机 100HP
齿轮油泵/Gear pump 8Mpa 45L/min
主机重量/weight 3800(不含动力)Weight engine
外形尺寸/Dimension (L*W*H ) 3450x1500x2250